6  Estimating Abundance and Differential Expression Analysis of Genes

Differential gene expression analysis is a statistical method that uses count data to determine significant changes between experimental groups. For example, transcriptional changes of stress-induced genes in plant leaves under water deficit compared to normal conditions are examined. Count data can be transcript, gene, exon, and noncoding characteristics.

To perform differential gene expression analysis with the Trinity integrated extensions, you will need the assembled transcripts/genes from the previous step and clean reads (and their replicates) from your experiment to assign to the assembled transcripts/genes and count the number of reads assigned to those transcripts/genes.

6.1 Estimating Transcript Abundance

This part will adopted from Trinity’s Wiki Trinity Transcript Quantification.

There are two different methods for quantifying reads mapped to the reference, by using the alignment-based (RSEM) and alignment-free (salmon, kallisto) qualtifiers. In this workshop, we’ll use the salmon, an ultra-fast alignment and quantification tool, to count number of reads mapped to the assembled gene.


You can see the usage of the command you wsh to perform by type the command followed by --help, or -h. For example, to see the usage of

align_and_estimate_abundance.pl -h

Now we will align and count reads mapped to the reference assembled transcripts using buit-in utility align_and_estimate_abundance.pl using the following commands.

  1. Go to working directory and activate conda environment

Go to working directory

cd ~/Cpa_RNASeq

The working directory should contain the following subdirectories.

    ├── 01_Rawdata
    ├── 02_QC
    ├── 03_assembly
    ├── 04_DE_analysis
    └── 05_annotation

Then, activate conda environment

conda activate trinity
  1. Estimating Transcript Abundance

your current working directory is: ~/Cpa_RNASeq

align_and_estimate_abundance.pl \
--transcripts 03_assembly/Trinity_2023-03-08.Trinity.fasta \
--seqType fq \
--samples_file /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/sample_list.tsv \
--est_method salmon \
--gene_trans_map 03_assembly/Trinity_2023-03-08.Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map \
--thread_count 2 \

Then, type ls to see the results in your working directory. These directories are the results from the above command. Each folder represents each biological replicate in your experiment.

drwxrwxr-x  5 jiratchaya jiratchaya 4096 Mar  9 20:37 dark_1/
drwxrwxr-x  5 jiratchaya jiratchaya 4096 Mar  9 20:38 dark_2/
drwxrwxr-x  5 jiratchaya jiratchaya 4096 Mar  9 20:38 dark_3/
drwxrwxr-x  5 jiratchaya jiratchaya 4096 Mar  9 20:38 normal_light_1/
drwxrwxr-x  5 jiratchaya jiratchaya 4096 Mar  9 20:39 normal_light_2/
drwxrwxr-x  5 jiratchaya jiratchaya 4096 Mar  9 20:39 normal_light_3

Estimated time usage: ~ 20 min per user

Parameter descriptions of align_and_estimate_abundance.pl: the assembled transcripts flagged in --transcripts, --seqType indicates file format of reads that will be mappped to the reference transcripts. We define the read count estimation tool in --est_method, in this workshop we use salmon, and also estimate read counts using information of gene-transcript relationships from the trinity_out_dir.Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map file that we specified in the --gene_trans_map parameter.

A list of read files will be contained in the metadata file sample_list.tsv in the parameter --samples_file, which we have prepared for you. In short, the sample list will be prepared in a tab-delimited text file indicating the relationships between biological replicates. For example,

jiratchaya@pslab1:~$ cat /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/sample_list.tsv
dark    dark_1  /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306034_1.fastq   /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306034_2.fastq
dark    dark_2  /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306029_1.fastq   /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306029_2.fastq
dark    dark_3  /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306028_1.fastq   /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306028_2.fastq
normal_light    normal_light_1  /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306033_1.fastq   /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306033_2.fastq
normal_light    normal_light_2  /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306032_1.fastq   /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306032_2.fastq
normal_light    normal_light_3  /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306035_1.fastq   /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/Cyanophora_rawdata/SRR8306035_2.fastq

The first column indicates the study experimental groups, followed by their biological replicates in the second column, and the forward and reverse sequence read files belong to their biological replicate. It’s important that the file path begins with the directory in which you’ll be working so that the programs can correctly route to the files.

Output results are created in the current working directory separately for experimental groups and biological replicates as follow.

    ├── aux_info/
    ├── cmd_info.json
    ├── lib_format_counts.json
    ├── libParams/
    ├── logs/
    ├── quant.sf
    └── quant.sf.genes
    ├── aux_info/
    ├── cmd_info.json
    ├── lib_format_counts.json
    ├── libParams/
    ├── logs/
    ├── quant.sf
    └── quant.sf.genes

According to the previous part, now we’ll organize the directory to make it tidy by moving all the results to the directory 04_DE_analysis.

# make sure you're in ~/Cpa_RNASeq directory so that you can move the file correctly. 
mv dark* normal* 04_DE_analysis/

# Then enter to the directory `04_DE_analysis`
cd 04_DE_analysis
ls ./*

Expected result:

(trinity) jiratchaya@pslab1:~/Cpa_RNASeq/04_DE_analysis$ ls ./*
aux_info  cmd_info.json  lib_format_counts.json  libParams  logs  quant.sf  quant.sf.genes

aux_info  cmd_info.json  lib_format_counts.json  libParams  logs  quant.sf  quant.sf.genes

aux_info  cmd_info.json  lib_format_counts.json  libParams  logs  quant.sf  quant.sf.genes

aux_info  cmd_info.json  lib_format_counts.json  libParams  logs  quant.sf  quant.sf.genes

aux_info  cmd_info.json  lib_format_counts.json  libParams  logs  quant.sf  quant.sf.genes

aux_info  cmd_info.json  lib_format_counts.json  libParams  logs  quant.sf  quant.sf.genes

after running salmon you’ll find output files:

  • quant.sf : transcript abundance estimates (generated by salmon)

  • quant.sf.genes : gene-level abundance estimates (generated here by summing transcript values)

Here’s an example of quant.sf.genes file:

Name Length EffectiveLength TPM NumReads
TRINITY_DN35101_c0_g1 248 35.30 0.00 0.00
TRINITY_DN42970_c0_g1 215 24.82 7.15 3.00
TRINITY_DN41199_c0_g1 280 47.38 0.00 0.00
TRINITY_DN35784_c0_g1 247 34.96 6.77 4.00
TRINITY_DN32682_c0_g1 275 45.30 0.00 0.00
TRINITY_DN8538_c0_g1 1019 710.33 0.17 2.00
TRINITY_DN2880_c0_g1 2376 2067.33 0.74 26.00
TRINITY_DN9226_c0_g1 275 45.30 7.84 6.00
TRINITY_DN3645_c1_g1 1175 866.33 0.40 5.82
TRINITY_DN5921_c0_g2 368 94.72 4.37 7.00

6.2 Building Transcript and Gene Expression Matrices

We’ll estimates abundance matrices with the filename quant.sf, which are available in all results directories. In this step, the utility abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl is used to combine all separate count matrices from the file quant.sf in all result directories into a single matrix file. By using salmon as --est_method and specifying the parameter --gene_trans_map, a gene abundance matrix is created.

  1. Create abundance matrix

Your current working directory: ~/Cpa_RNASeq/04_DE_analysis

abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl --est_method salmon \
--gene_trans_map ../03_assembly/Trinity_2023-03-08.Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map \
--name_sample_by_basedir \

Expected result:

(trinity) jiratchaya@pslab1:~/Cpa_RNASeq/04_DE_analysis$ ls -l
total 4945
drwxrwx--- 1 root PSLab    4096 Mar  5 16:16 dark_1
drwxrwx--- 1 root PSLab    4096 Mar  5 16:16 dark_2
drwxrwx--- 1 root PSLab    4096 Mar  5 16:16 dark_3
drwxrwx--- 1 root PSLab    4096 Mar  5 16:16 normal_light_1
drwxrwx--- 1 root PSLab    4096 Mar  5 16:16 normal_light_2
drwxrwx--- 1 root PSLab    4096 Mar  5 16:16 normal_light_3
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab      67 Mar  6 13:29 salmon.gene.counts.matrix
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab      67 Mar  6 13:29 salmon.gene.TPM.not_cross_norm
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 2736773 Mar  6 13:29 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 2297101 Mar  6 13:29 salmon.isoform.TPM.not_cross_norm

This command will generate 4 result files:

  • salmon.gene.counts.matrix is the estimated raw RNA-Seq counts in GENE level in all experimental groups.
  • salmon.gene.TPM.not_cross_norm is the Transcript per Million (TPM) of RNA-Seq counts in GENE level in all experimental groups.
  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix is the estimated raw RNA-Seq counts in TRANSCRIPTS level in all experimental groups.
  • salmon.isoform.TPM.not_cross_norm is the Transcript per Million (TPM) of RNA-Seq counts in TRANSCRIPTS level in all experimental groups.

6.3 Quality Control of Sample Read Counts and Biological Replicates

Once you’ve performed quantification for each experimental group, it’s good to examine the data to ensure that your biological replicates are well correlated, and also to investigate relationships among your samples. It is critical that you identify any obvious differences between the relationships between your sample and replicates, such as those resulting from accidental mislabeling of sample replicates, strong outliers, or batch effects, prior to further data analysis. The Trinity’s utility called PtR (pronounced as ‘Peter’, stands for Perl to R) can generate some exploratory data analysis rely on count matrix, such as compare difference between replicate, compare difference between experimental groups, principal component analysis, and so on.


Recheck the current working directory


You must be in ~/Cpa_RNASeq/04_DE_analysis

TheThen prepare the sample metadata from differential expression analysis (DE). The sample metadata table for the DE analysis is different from the table used for abundance estimation. We only need the first two columns from this file to create a metadata table for the analysis of DE. Therefore, we can use the following Bash command to create and edit a new file.

EExtract the first 2 columns of metadata to estimate the read count into a new file in 04_DE_analysis

cut -f 1-2 /opt/Cpa_RNASeq/sample_list.tsv > samples.txt

See expected result file

(trinity) jiratchaya@pslab1:~/Cpa_RNASeq/04_DE_analysis$ cat samples.txt
dark    dark_1
dark    dark_2
dark    dark_3
normal_light    normal_light_1
normal_light    normal_light_2
normal_light    normal_light_3

6.3.1 Compare replicates for each of your samples

This step will use PtR to reads the matrix of counts, performs a counts-per-million (CPM) data transformation followed by a log2 transform, and then generates a multi-page pdf file named ${sample}.rep_compare.pdf for each of your samples, including several useful plots


Compare replicates for each of your samples

# Current workdir: ~/Cpa_RNASeq/04_DE_analysis
PtR --matrix salmon.isoform.counts.matrix \
--samples samples.txt --log2 --CPM \
--min_rowSums 10 \

These files will append more to your current working directories:

-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    4695 Mar  6 14:37 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.R
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 1990182 Mar  6 14:37 dark.rep_compare.pdf
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 1828692 Mar  6 14:37 normal_light.rep_compare.pdf
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 3558147 Mar  6 14:37 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.dat

The last 3 files are newly generated by this step. There’s two PDF files separated by experimental groups, dark.rep_compare.pdf and normal_light.rep_compare.pdf, and raw data for plots in .dat file.

Example result of comparing biological replicates in Dark samples. The figures were captured from dark.rep_compare.pdf file. (A) The sum of mapped fragments. (B) Pairwise comparisons of replicate log(CPM) values, in which the data points more than 2-fold different are highlighted in red. (C) The pairwise MA plots (x-axis: mean log(CPM), y-axis log(fold_change)). And, (D) A Replicate Pearson correlation heatmap.

6.3.2 Compare Replicates Across Samples


This command will generate a useful heatmap of pearson correlation matrix of samples from two different experimental groups.

PtR --matrix salmon.isoform.counts.matrix \
--min_rowSums 10 \
-s samples.txt \
--log2 --CPM \

These files will append more to your current working directories:

-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    4012 Mar  6 15:02 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.R
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 3558147 Mar  6 15:02 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.dat
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab     678 Mar  6 15:02 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.sample_cor.dat
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    6429 Mar  6 15:02 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.sample_cor_matrix.pdf

heatmap of pearson correlation coefficiant between Dark and Normal light samples.

6.3.3 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Another important analysis method to explore relationships among the sample replicates is Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

You can find more explanation about PCA here: - https://blog.bioturing.com/2018/06/14/principal-component-analysis-explained-simply/ - https://youtu.be/FgakZw6K1QQ

PtR --matrix salmon.isoform.counts.matrix \
-s samples.txt \
--min_rowSums 10 --log2 \
--CPM --center_rows \
--prin_comp 3

These files will append more to your current working directories:

-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    4789 Mar  6 15:18 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.R
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 4069112 Mar  6 15:18 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.centered.dat
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab     756 Mar  6 15:18 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.centered.PCA.prcomp.scores
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 4163653 Mar  6 15:18 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.centered.PCA.prcomp.loadings
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    5446 Mar  6 15:18 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.centered.prcomp.principal_components.pdf

You can find the PCA plot in salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.minRow10.CPM.log2.centered.prcomp.principal_components.pdf.

PCA plot.

We set the number of principal components (PC) to be calculated for only first 3 PCs in --prin_comp. Which indicates that these PCs will be plotted, as shown above, with PC1 vs. PC2 and PC2 vs. PC3. In this example, the replicates cluster tightly according to sample type, which is very reassuring.

6.4 Differential Expression Analysis

Trinity also contains a built-in utility for DE analysis called run_DE_analysis.pl, in which use the count matrix and sample metadata file. Trinity provides support for several differential expression analysis tools, currently including edgeR, DESeq2, limma/voom, and ROTS.

DE analysis in Trinity will perform pairwise comparison of gene/transcript expression. If the biological replicates are presented for each sample, you should indicate this as we already created in our metadata table samples.txt. Here we’ll analyze DE genes in the ‘transcript’ level using the salmon.isoform.counts.matrix file.


DE analysis using DESeq2

run_DE_analysis.pl \
--matrix salmon.isoform.counts.matrix \
--method DESeq2 \
--samples_file samples.txt \
--output DESeq2_result

After run the above command, the following directory will append to your current working directory:

drwxrwx--- 1 root PSLab     688 Mar  6 15:42 DESeq2_result

In this output directory, you’ll find the following files for each of the pairwise comparisons performed:

-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab  972633 Mar  6 15:42 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.count_matrix
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 4247784 Mar  6 15:42 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 2428272 Mar  6 15:42 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.MA_n_Volcano.pdf
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    1845 Mar  6 15:42 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.Rscript

Result explanations:

  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.Rscript is the R-script executed to perform the DE analysis.

  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.count_matrix is an integer matrix of read count derived from the input file salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.

  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results is the DE analysis results, including log fold change and statistical significance.

  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.MA_n_Volcano.pdf is MA and Volcano plots features found DE at the defined FDR will be colored red.

Here’s an example of DE analysis result file (salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results):

sampleA sampleB baseMeanA baseMeanB baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
TRINITY_DN8082_c0_g1 dark normal_light 4685.731 17.948650 2351.8401 8.023585 0.3947937 20.32349 0 0
TRINITY_DN281_c0_g1 dark normal_light 2406.185 9.827619 1208.0061 7.917578 0.3987747 19.85477 0 0
TRINITY_DN902_c0_g1 dark normal_light 3515.942 5.151569 1760.5469 9.433323 0.4966128 18.99533 0 0
TRINITY_DN801_c0_g2 dark normal_light 2100.468 4.052528 1052.2602 9.023139 0.4877916 18.49794 0 0
TRINITY_DN38798_c0_g1 dark normal_light 1013.842 4.511975 509.1769 7.806389 0.4421257 17.65649 0 0
TRINITY_DN10456_c0_g1 dark normal_light 3630.296 8.696336 1819.4963 8.698117 0.5004932 17.37909 0 0
TRINITY_DN15271_c1_g1 dark normal_light 1503.228 6.205016 754.7166 7.908525 0.4612383 17.14629 0 0
TRINITY_DN258_c0_g2 dark normal_light 2973.655 5.218821 1489.4370 9.144528 0.5358879 17.06425 0 0
TRINITY_DN15130_c0_g1 dark normal_light 2019.010 4.727083 1011.8685 8.728308 0.5121991 17.04085 0 0
TRINITY_DN1_c0_g2 dark normal_light 1107.861 6.860877 557.3612 7.312156 0.4304045 16.98903 0 0

An example of volcano plot for transcript-level differentially expression analysis.

(left) MA plot and (right) volcano plot.

6.5 Extracting and clustering differentially expressed transcripts

An initial step in analyzing differential expression is to extract those transcripts that are most differentially expressed (most significant FDR and fold-changes) and to cluster the transcripts according to their patterns of differential expression across the samples.


Extracting and clustering differentially expressed transcripts can run using the following from within the DE output directory, by running the following script:

cd DESeq2_result/
analyze_diff_expr.pl \
--matrix ../salmon.isoform.counts.matrix \
-P 1e-3 \
-C 2 \
--samples ../samples.txt \
--max_genes_clust 10000

The above command use an integer count matrix from DE analysis, and define criteria for extracting differentially expressed transcripts. For example, set p-value cutoff for FDR in -P to 0.001, set minimum absolute log 2-fold change criteria in -C to 2, meaning that it will extracted only the DE transcripts that are 2^2 = 4-fold, and use only top 10,000 among all differentially transcripts in --max_genes_clust for hierarchical clustering analysis. However, user can customize these criteria based on their interest.

The following results will append to the current working directory DESeq2_result

-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab      120 Mar  6 16:34 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.samples
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab   332012 Mar  6 16:34 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C2.dark-UP.subset
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    42038 Mar  6 16:34 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C2.normal_light-UP.subset
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab   373901 Mar  6 16:34 salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C2.DE.subset
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab       51 Mar  6 16:34 DE_feature_counts.P0.001_C2.matrix
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    73959 Mar  6 16:34 diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab     4649 Mar  6 16:34 diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.R
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab   246973 Mar  6 16:34 diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.log2.centered.dat
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab      698 Mar  6 16:34 diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.log2.centered.sample_cor.dat
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab     6399 Mar  6 16:34 diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.log2.centered.sample_cor_matrix.pdf
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab   101250 Mar  6 16:34 diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.log2.centered.genes_vs_samples_heatmap.pdf
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 14777602 Mar  6 16:34 diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.RData

Result explanations:

  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.samples is identical to the metadata samples.txt file.

  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C2.dark-UP.subset is the subset of expression matrix of up-regulated transcripts in Dark group, which are down-regulated in Normal light group.

  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C2.normal_light-UP.subset is the subset of expression matrix of up-regulated transcripts in Normal light group, which are down-regulated in Dark group.

  • salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C2.DE.subset is a summary of DE transcripts results containing columns of significant values, and its normalized expression value.

  • diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.log2.centered.sample_cor_matrix.pdf is the sample correlation matrix, as follow.

Sample correlation matrix visualized only for differentially expressed transcripts.

  • diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.log2.centered.genes_vs_samples_heatmap.pdf is heatmap of differentially expressed transcripts.

Heatmap of differentially expressed transcripts.

6.6 DE gene patterning and clustering analysis

In the heat map of differentially expressed transcripts, there is a clear difference between the DE transcripts under dark and normal light conditions. Therefore, using define_clusters_by_cutting_tree.pl, we can divide these genes into clusters based on the same trend of expression values as follows.


Automatically Partitioning Genes into Expression Clusters

define_clusters_by_cutting_tree.pl \
-R diffExpr.*.matrix.RData \
--Ptree 60

There are three different methods for dividing genes into clusters, K-Means clustering, hierarchical clustering (as used in the heatmap), and the recommended method of using criteria to truncate tree branch lengths that fall below the criteria by using ‘–Ptree’.

The following results will append to the current working directory DESeq2_result which are files and diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.RData.clusters_fixed_P_60/ directory.

-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    45837 Mar  6 16:51 clusters_fixed_P_60.heatmap.heatmap_gene_order.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    61467 Mar  6 16:51 clusters_fixed_P_60.heatmap.gene_cluster_colors.dat
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab   110890 Mar  6 16:51 clusters_fixed_P_60.heatmap.heatmap.pdf
drwxrwx--- 1 root PSLab      400 Mar  6 16:51 diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.RData.clusters_fixed_P_60/

List of files in diffExpr.P0.001_C2.matrix.RData.clusters_fixed_P_60/ directory are:

-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab  43915 Mar  6 16:51 my_cluster_plots.pdf
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab 220780 Mar  6 16:51 subcluster_1_log2_medianCentered_fpkm.matrix
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab  26259 Mar  6 16:51 subcluster_2_log2_medianCentered_fpkm.matrix
-rw-rw---- 1 root PSLab    816 Mar  6 16:51 __tmp_plot_clusters.R

The DE transcript partiitoning and clustering is located in my_cluster_plots.pdf

DE transcript partiitoning and clustering analysis

Then, we’ll subset the assembled transcriptome for only differentially expressed genes for functional annotation analysis in the next chapter.


From the previous command, we already have a list of differentialli expressed gnees in salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P1e-3_C2.DE.subset file. For the functional annotation analysis in the next step, we will subset only top 10 upregulated and top 10 downregulated DEGs for annotation step. Data subsetting will use the following command.

  1. Extract top 10 upregulated DEGs in Normal light condition. This command will ascendingly sort the 6th column (log2foldchange) of the file salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P1e-3_C2.normal_light-UP.subset, then selected top 10 highest log2foldchange from the last 10 lines, then select only the trinity transcript ID in the first column.
sort --key=6 --numeric-sort salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P1e-3_C2.normal_light-UP.subset | tail -n 10 | cut --fields=1 > DEGtop10_NormalLight-up.txt
  1. Do the same for dark condiiton using salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P1e-3_C2.dark-UP.subset file.
sort --key=6 --numeric-sort salmon.isoform.counts.matrix.dark_vs_normal_light.DESeq2.DE_results.P1e-3_C2.dark-UP.subset | tail -n 10 | cut --fields=1 > DEGtop10_dark-up.txt
  1. Concatenate transcript ID files (DEGtop10_NormalLight-up.txt and DEGtop10_dark-up.txt) into a single file.
cat DEGtop10_NormalLight-up.txt DEGtop10_dark-up.txt > DEGtop20_all.txt
  1. Retrieve FASTA sequence of top 20 DEGs using Trinity’s utility.
retrieve_sequences_from_fasta.pl DEGtop100_all.txt ~/Cpa_RNASeq/03_assembly/Trinity_2023-03-08.Trinity.fasta > DEGtop20_all_seqs.fasta

The output file locates in ~/Cpa_RNASeq/04_DE_analysis/DESeq2_result